Oro Valley, Arizona
From the Heart of the Mother to the Heart of the Son
IHS Student Learning Expectations
I. Active Christian
Meets grade appropriate criteria and performs satisfactorily in religion class.
Is able to recite prayers with reverence and respect to give justice to God.
Actively participates and demonstrates prayerfulness in liturgy, devotions, and prayer.
Participates in a willing and selfless manner to provide justice and dignity for the good of others in our school and local community through charitable giving.
Uses good Christian moral judgment in day to day life.
II. Lifelong Learner
Knows how to access, interpret, and utilize information from a variety of sources.
Approaches the necessity to adapt to evolving technology with fortitude
Demonstrates fortitude in effective time management and organizational skills.
Exhibits curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.
III. Integrated Individual
Identifies own strengths and weaknesses through prudence and circumspection.
Displays prudent choices regarding finances, health, and morality.
Explore respectfully the heritage and diverse cultures of our universal community.
Demonstrates a knowledge and appreciation of the fine arts.
Demonstrates good sportsmanship and judgment while engaging in cooperative play.
Identifies and addresses the needs of others with genuine magnificence and justice.
IV. Effective Communicator
Uses prudence and good judgment when making behavioral choices while working cooperatively with others in all aspects of the school day.
Participates respectfully with self-control in the exchange of information
Formulates clear, creative thoughts to employ just oral, visual, and written expression.
Practices temperance to moderate the use of technology as a means of expression
Uses prudence to assess context and audience in the use of language that respects the rights of each person
V. Problem Solvers
Resolves conflicts peacefully and with justice.
Practices circumspection and analyzes alternatives to make effective moral choices.
Acknowledges different points of view and perspectives through humility, docility, and patience.
Prudently recognizes the key components of a conflict.
Exercises responsibility to implement a solution.